We provide world-class products, pricing and customer service. Supporting our customers is our number one priority so our Customer service operations operate 9am – 9pm Monday to Friday Sydney time. These service times cater well to our customers Australia Wide. The best way to lodge an enquiry with us would be to email to enable the enquiry to be professionally followed in our world class customer service ticketing platform that will ensure your enquiry is followed and dealt with start to finish, keeping you in the loop with automatic updates.
Sure Telecom will continue to concentrate on its mission to provide you with the best value, the biggest product choice to suit your requirements and ease of access to customer service by our ever expanding communication tools. We believe this will give you the best possible product and service experience. Our mission has provided a great platform by where to grow and prosper.
Broadband Free Connect is a Sure Telecom initiative to connect Australians without limits to entry, Sure Telecom is the market leader among internet service providers with this initiative and we hope that other broadband providers in the industry will follow to give Australians the greatest choice of services without a cost to set up and connect. With the launch of the National Broadband Network by the government, our customers will be able to experience some of the best broadband speeds and experiences in the world. Enquire now to check your availability.
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